Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gracist Chinks

“Are you a foreigner?” woman sitting at the front pew suddenly asked me.
I muttered a soft “yes” and stopped maintaining eye contact with that stupid female chink Chinese woman. She turned away from me and didn’t say anything else after that. Oh gee, all the friendliness had so suddenly disappeared soon after Holy Church Woman found out I’m a foreigner.
We might look and sound alike, but the moment some of these chinks  Chinese people find out where certain other Chinese come from, that’s where all the judging and stereotyping step in.
So this church that calls itself “Grace” isn’t exactly full of grace after all. What do the members from this church call themselves then? Gracists- pronounced with a silent G??
Damn, it's tough living in a foreign country.

It's tough not being able to tell your parents about all the office shit you have to go through each day because you don't want them worrying about you.

It's tough forcing yourself to stay normal while at work and everywhere else when you've got this supposedly wonderful man who so suddenly told you to get out from his life because you're no longer of any use to him.

It's tough when you suddenly find yourself without a place to stay in very soon and have to quickly find your way around just so you don't end up on the streets.    

It's tough when someone has advised you to seek professional help but you can't because you don't want people to know that you've somehow lost your mind.


John Ling said...

There, there. Hang on and don't give up. =(

June said...

Thanks, John. Just read your profile. Can't believe I've never heard about you before. Great job in editing Yvonne Foong's blog. Keep it up :)

John Ling said...

No worries. I've been mostly under the radar. I launched a book of short stories in Malaysia in 2005, but that's about the extent of my publishing adventures. =)